Monday, April 20, 2009

A Call to Fast and Pray

In Sunday's sermon we covered the Spiritual Discipline of Fasting. As a result of that I have called all of Warren's Grove to fast and pray. I know that many of you have other friends who are people of prayer. You are more than welcome to forward this message to anyone and everyone that you think this would be important to them. During this week fast from food for a meal or more and then pray for these things:

-repentance for the banks taking advantage of people

-repentance for companies exploiting peoples labor

-repentance for not being thrifty with our money

-repentance for racism and classifying people by the color of their skin

-repentance for not taking seriously God's call for us to love our neighbors

-pray for God to stir up the creativity of his people and make new ways of industry here in Person County for those who are unemployed

-pray for God to create us into a people that are generous

-pray for God to strengthen the marriages here in Person County

-pray for the young people that do not have hope

-pray for God to reach out to the people of Person County and draw them to himself.

-pray for revival to break out in our county

Also, in Isaiah 58.7 it says: Is not this the fast that I choose "to share your bread with the hungry." Because of this verse I want you to save up the money that you would normally spend on that breakfast, and/or lunch, and/or dinner and bring that money next week and we are going to take up a special collection for the Christian Help Center.

This is very important for us as Christians------being intentional with crying out to God and seeking God's face, as we fast and pray. If you have any questions please send me an email.

Blessings to you during this holy fast.

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