Wednesday, May 20, 2009


This coming Sunday I will be preaching from Romans 12.9-18. The main emphasis in this text will be hospitality. It is an interesting way to look at hospitality in light of the day of Pentecost coming up. Commonly the church calendar has Pentecost coming up on May 31st and Pentecost is marked by the coming of the Holy Spirit. How can we be people that practice hospitality ----- in light of the coming of the Holy Spirit? Are we to be people that are hospitable to God's reign in our lives ----- allowing the Holy Spirit to use us and bless us with God's grace?
Hospitality is something that we are good at in the "South". But, I wonder if this is something that we can get even better at. And is there a difference between "Southern" Hospitality and Christian Hospitality?

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