Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Monday, January 27, 2020
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Looking back on 2015
For the last year I have pondered the
word “intentional”. It has become a word that recurs in my mind
over and over again. It is a word that is vexing and intriguing.
When I look into my own life I wonder if I live an intentional life?
A life that is with purpose and direction.
As I have pondered this word, I have
found that others are doing the same. Collectively, we are asking
questions of whether this Christian life is one that is to be
intentional? or is to be haphazard and a guessing game? Can we
accidentally do this thing called discipleship? or is there more to
The life of a Christian has to be more
than just sitting in the pews and listening to the great orator; the
great orator that pontificates about all of the intricacies of what
it means to be a “good Christian”. It has to be more than going
to our well heated buildings, that have comfortable padded seats, and
a staff that can invite us to enjoy the service. This intentional
life of discipleship must involve more than seeking our own comfort,
and seeking a “worship” service that fits our needs. This life
of intention has to be more than an expensive ad for something cheap
– it has to be more than a country club for like-minded folks –
it has to be more than being spiritual but not religious – it has
to be more than saying all the right things which comes off as empty
and apathetic – it has to be more than professional Christianity
being top-down management – it has to be more than using the Bible
as a weapon – it has to be more than mediocrity and indifference –
is has to be more than a self-enrichment exercise – it has to be
more than finger pointing and political maneuvering.
The intentional life is a life that
Jesus calls us to. A life that is devoted to loving God and loving
God by loving our neighbor. It is a life that is centered on Jesus
Christ, while at the same time it is a life that gives itself away
for the common good of all. It is also a life that we oftentimes
mess up, but with joy and tenacity we find the on-ramps that allow us
to get back on this path of intentional discipleship.
It has been with great joy and tenacity
that my family and I have walked out 2015. It has been a year of
intentionality. A year that we continue to refine and hone in on
what it means to embody hope in the context God has placed us. A
year that has allowed to to be the exegesis of the gospel imperative
to be disciples that make disciples. We are humbled by the fact that
we get to journey beside some of the most gifted and passionate
people we have ever met. We have had the distinct privilege of
walking hand-in-hand with people that are living this life of
intentionality. This has changed us and has expanded our family.
In this last year of living out the
word intentional I have found times where I have been exhilarated by
this simple call to embody hope – times where I am standing in the
water baptizing people that have surrendered their lives to Jesus
Christ – times of listening to complete strangers share
heart-wrenching stories of heart ache – times of holding the
scriptures in my hand, while at the same time words coming off the
page into the circumstance that is at hand – times of looking into
the face of death and finding hope – times of joy that breaks my
heart as we say good-bye to great friends – times of laughter where
the city tells us that was way too many signs – times of looking in
the offering basket and seeing $10 and reminding God that this thing
called The Anchor was his idea – times of hugging someone who has
had way too much to drink and reminding him that God loves him just
the way he is – times of great Bob Marley music drifting across the
Cape Fear River – times of sitting in front of a reporter and
sharing the gospel message – times of standing in Hell's Kitchen
with a candle – times of simplicity and healing.
Thank you to everyone that we have had
the honor to journey beside in 2015. My intentional prayer is that
we can embody hope in profound and riveting ways in 2016. I look
forward to the creative and imaginative challenges the Holy Spirit
invites us to participate in.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Meaningful Relationships

During the summer of 2008 my wife and I visited London. If anyone visits London, they will notice that they end up visiting many churches. The interesting thing is that you do not go to these churches for worship. Instead, the churches we visited have become more and more like museums—ornaments of the past. Just a small handful of people attend worship on Sundays—but they pay their staff and their bills because they are treated as a museum. They charge strangers [they like to call them tourists] money to go into their doors. People want to go there to see where a certain person was murdered in the 11th century. These large church buildings have handfuls of people that still gather together—and they point to a time when they were packed with people. In many ways these buildings have become museums—and now they are just struggling to keep the building maintained.
Here in North America we are following suit with our European brothers & sisters. We have turned many of our churches into expensive ads for something cheap. The hollow shell of what we used to do still remains in our church buildings. Much can be said for having a nice building—but when our church budgets are overwhelmed by the cost of upkeep—I wonder if we have missed something in our care for buildings?
The simplicity of a meaningful relationship with another person has oftentimes been neglected because of our care and concern over buildings, land, and wealth. We have forgotten that God has called us to be in community with one another—not walled off from the world that God so loves. Our calling is to be a people that love the way that God loves—and our God loves so much that he sent Jesus to be one of us. This was not an expensive ad for something cheap—instead this is the ultimate sacrifice.
That doesn’t mean that churches do not do good things. There are countless examples of the good that is being done in the name of Christ. But, have we focused too much on land? and buildings? and money?
As we consider who we have become as the church in North America, may we never lose sight of the fact that simple relationships with one another is what we are called to be about. That we are called to be authentic with one another and love one another. For in this love we can know Christ and make him known.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
This Sunday, March 22nd at 9.45am we are covering this question for
WikiWorship: "Why do some Christian faiths vilify homosexuality?" This is about as divisive of an issue we can have
now-a-days. We see this in the news, and what we find are talking heads
yelling at each other about opinions. What I long for is a respectful
conversation that allows us to be authentic and real. In this we can
embody hope ----- where we can create a place where it can be safe to
talk about some of the most difficult questions of life ----- rather
than a dangerous place to talk about little to nothing. In the book of
Ephesians the Apostle Paul writes: "He has abolished the law with its
commandments and ordinances, that he might create in himself one new
humanity in place of the two, thus making peace, and might reconcile
both groups to God in one body through the cross, thus putting to death
that hostility through it." [Ephesians 2.15-16] Here we learn that in
Christ he makes a new humanity ----- even though there was hostility
----- and this new humanity is reconciled at the cross. I would urge us
all to approach this question from the foot of the cross. For at the
foot of the cross we find who we are ------ sinners in need of a savior
[1 Timothy 1.15].
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Religion & Politics
This last Sunday we focused on this question: "Why do Christians hate Obama? Why are churches not a place where Conservatives and Liberals love Jesus together?" This was a question that we gathered over the last couple weeks. There is one part of the question that I would like to say more about ------ and then see what you all think.
There are times when we do not want to hear from people that have different opinions or points of view. As a result of this we will perceive what someone is going to say about a subject, and then shut them out from a meaningful conversation. We might perceive them as "Conservative" and therefore not want to hear from them because we think of them as narrow minded and cold. Or we might perceive someone as "Liberal" and therefore not want to hear from them because we think of them as idealistic or morally relativistic. But, what Christ offers us is a new humanity that is found at the cross. Where we are all gathered on level ground, and can only stand pointing at the one who reigns and rules from the cross shaped throne. At the feet of Jesus, he makes all things new ------ even this new reality of breaking down the walls that have divided us [Ephesians 2.13-16].
In order to live into this new reality it takes work on our part. The best way I have learned to live into this new reality is through the habit of listening by way of relationships. I have to continuously put the person that is in front of me ahead of my own desires or wants. I have to lift them up and encourage them to share their story with me. And in that sharing there is trust and mutual love.
Every morning my family and I gather for morning prayer. We decided to start praying the "Apostles' Creed" along with our prayers. We took a version that includes "he descended into hell". I was not used to praying that part of the Apostles' Creed. Before I would just pray: "he suffered under Pontius Pilate. Was crucified, dead, and buried. On the third day he rose from the dead." It took about a year for me to change the way I prayed the Apostles' Creed. It was hard work ------ and I continuously struggled through it with my family. They sometimes had to stop me and say ------ no, pray it this way. And after a year it became a habit. And now I know it in my heart and mind.
This is what I mean by the hard work of sharing mutual love and trust. It is hard work to listen to others. It is hard work to be friends with people that we disagree with. It is hard work to love people that share a different point of view. But this is part of the hard work of living into this new reality that Jesus has made and is making. The new reality of a new humanity that is found in him. Where there are not the dividing walls ------ but instead where we can acknowledge that we are sons and daughters of the King of kings and Lord of lords.
When it comes to loving Jesus alongside folks that differ from you, how have you learned to live in mutual love and trust?
There are times when we do not want to hear from people that have different opinions or points of view. As a result of this we will perceive what someone is going to say about a subject, and then shut them out from a meaningful conversation. We might perceive them as "Conservative" and therefore not want to hear from them because we think of them as narrow minded and cold. Or we might perceive someone as "Liberal" and therefore not want to hear from them because we think of them as idealistic or morally relativistic. But, what Christ offers us is a new humanity that is found at the cross. Where we are all gathered on level ground, and can only stand pointing at the one who reigns and rules from the cross shaped throne. At the feet of Jesus, he makes all things new ------ even this new reality of breaking down the walls that have divided us [Ephesians 2.13-16].
In order to live into this new reality it takes work on our part. The best way I have learned to live into this new reality is through the habit of listening by way of relationships. I have to continuously put the person that is in front of me ahead of my own desires or wants. I have to lift them up and encourage them to share their story with me. And in that sharing there is trust and mutual love.
Every morning my family and I gather for morning prayer. We decided to start praying the "Apostles' Creed" along with our prayers. We took a version that includes "he descended into hell". I was not used to praying that part of the Apostles' Creed. Before I would just pray: "he suffered under Pontius Pilate. Was crucified, dead, and buried. On the third day he rose from the dead." It took about a year for me to change the way I prayed the Apostles' Creed. It was hard work ------ and I continuously struggled through it with my family. They sometimes had to stop me and say ------ no, pray it this way. And after a year it became a habit. And now I know it in my heart and mind.
This is what I mean by the hard work of sharing mutual love and trust. It is hard work to listen to others. It is hard work to be friends with people that we disagree with. It is hard work to love people that share a different point of view. But this is part of the hard work of living into this new reality that Jesus has made and is making. The new reality of a new humanity that is found in him. Where there are not the dividing walls ------ but instead where we can acknowledge that we are sons and daughters of the King of kings and Lord of lords.
When it comes to loving Jesus alongside folks that differ from you, how have you learned to live in mutual love and trust?
Friday, February 20, 2015
WikiWorship - February 22nd @ 9.45am
On Sunday, February 22nd at 9:45am we are gathering at Hell's Kitchen (118 Princess Street - Wilmington) for WikiWorship. We will be looking at this question: "Why does a God of love and forgiveness and compassion use such negative and horrific things in life to teach? ie: Monkey Junction murder."
Saturday, January 3, 2015
My family and I have been back in Wilmington for a year and a-half. Since the time we have landed on the ground we have lived into a new reality ---- the reality of being on mission. Our mission has been to embody hope in real and tangible ways. While doing this we have been stretched in ways we have found exhilarating and scary ----- but during that whole time God has overwhelmed us with grace and love. We are so thankful for the terrific people that we have had the opportunity to journey beside, for we know that relationships are the key to living out this missionary journey. We just want to say a sincere thank you to all of you for your generosity and support. Because of you all we have been able to take steps with assurance ------ knowing that we are there to help carry heavy burdens together ------ while at the same time there to celebrate what the Holy Spirit is accomplishing through our efforts.
Very few things at The Anchor have happened for a second time annually. Two of those things we did in the last couple weeks. We gathered together with candles in hand and worshiped the God who came in the flesh on Christmas-Eve. And we also went on Christmas day to a nursing home to celebrate Jesus' birth with those who he cares so much for ------ those who are lonely and sick. As I looked around and saw the faces of people, that were strangers to me a year ago, I saw family. People that have poured their life into the journey of following after Jesus, and I have had the opportunity to pour my life into the journey as well. And we have done it together!
We have dedicated our lives to following after the one who is worthy of our time, energy, and attention ---- but we haven't done this as Lone Ranger Christians ------ instead we have done it in community, as family. We didn't have to have a committee that told us to do this, or an air-conditioned building, or ample parking spots, or fog machines, or a light show, or an advertising budget, or marketing consultants, or fancy torn jeans, or rent a building, or flashy evangelistic gimmicks, or the "We Love Our City" t-shirts, or the "mission-day" push (whatever that means?) ------ instead we have just decided to live out the love of Jesus by embodying hope where God has placed us.
This is humbling, and in many ways it feels like we are approaching the manger scene like the shepherds that first happened upon that poor, ostracized family 2000 years ago. We are approaching this scene with awe and wonder as we hear Jesus say to us "See, I am making all things new."
Let's pray: Make us new O God ------ so that we might be servants to all those you love ------ as we are moved with compassion to embody hope in the situations and circumstances you have placed us. Let us continue to do this in simple and sustainable ways ------ and in that, may we continue to participate with Holy Spirit in your Kingdom coming to earth, as it is in heaven. AMEN!
Very few things at The Anchor have happened for a second time annually. Two of those things we did in the last couple weeks. We gathered together with candles in hand and worshiped the God who came in the flesh on Christmas-Eve. And we also went on Christmas day to a nursing home to celebrate Jesus' birth with those who he cares so much for ------ those who are lonely and sick. As I looked around and saw the faces of people, that were strangers to me a year ago, I saw family. People that have poured their life into the journey of following after Jesus, and I have had the opportunity to pour my life into the journey as well. And we have done it together!
We have dedicated our lives to following after the one who is worthy of our time, energy, and attention ---- but we haven't done this as Lone Ranger Christians ------ instead we have done it in community, as family. We didn't have to have a committee that told us to do this, or an air-conditioned building, or ample parking spots, or fog machines, or a light show, or an advertising budget, or marketing consultants, or fancy torn jeans, or rent a building, or flashy evangelistic gimmicks, or the "We Love Our City" t-shirts, or the "mission-day" push (whatever that means?) ------ instead we have just decided to live out the love of Jesus by embodying hope where God has placed us.
This is humbling, and in many ways it feels like we are approaching the manger scene like the shepherds that first happened upon that poor, ostracized family 2000 years ago. We are approaching this scene with awe and wonder as we hear Jesus say to us "See, I am making all things new."
Let's pray: Make us new O God ------ so that we might be servants to all those you love ------ as we are moved with compassion to embody hope in the situations and circumstances you have placed us. Let us continue to do this in simple and sustainable ways ------ and in that, may we continue to participate with Holy Spirit in your Kingdom coming to earth, as it is in heaven. AMEN!
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Saint Nicholas
Yesterday was the Feast of Saint Nicholas. This is a time to remember a great bishop that lived in modern day Turkey. [For all of my friends that don't believe in Bishops ------- just remember they are in the Bible] He served in his city with the love of Jesus. DeAnne brought this up to us on Friday and said we should read his story. We have a great set of books about the saints of old called: Early Saints of God by Bob Hartman. In this book we are told that Nicholas found out that there were three children that were going to be sold into slavery because their parents had found themselves in debt ------ and in order to pay the debt they would sell their children into slavery. Nicholas made a plan to give the money to the family without them knowing that it came from him. He did this out of his love of God and his love of the people God had entrusted to him. The small bags of gold miraculously showed up on the day that the children were to be sold. Thus, they were set free from slavery and bondage.
I wonder what that would look like in our own lives? To not go around proclaiming how generous we have been. To not go with trumpets and fanfare [in modern day terms that is social media] sharing what great generosity we have accomplished. Instead to be a humble servant of God ----- who did not come to be served, but to serve.
Nicholas lived a life of sacrifice for the common good of all. Let us go and do likewise, as we participate with what the Holy Spirit is already doing. Forget all the pomp and circumstance ------ forget the fanfare and horse & pony shows ------- forget the trumpets and bugles ------- forget the Christmas parties and charity events -------- forget the shoe boxes and endless gift giving -------- forget the red sweaters and $80 Christmas trees ------- and instead take on the form of a servant and love your neighbor.
I wonder what that would look like in our own lives? To not go around proclaiming how generous we have been. To not go with trumpets and fanfare [in modern day terms that is social media] sharing what great generosity we have accomplished. Instead to be a humble servant of God ----- who did not come to be served, but to serve.
Nicholas lived a life of sacrifice for the common good of all. Let us go and do likewise, as we participate with what the Holy Spirit is already doing. Forget all the pomp and circumstance ------ forget the fanfare and horse & pony shows ------- forget the trumpets and bugles ------- forget the Christmas parties and charity events -------- forget the shoe boxes and endless gift giving -------- forget the red sweaters and $80 Christmas trees ------- and instead take on the form of a servant and love your neighbor.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Luke 21.25-36
In Luke 21.34 it says: "Be on guard so that your hearts are not
weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of this
life, and that day does not catch you unexpectedly, like a trap." We believe that Jesus will come again and that we will see him coming
in a cloud with power and great glory. Therefore, the entirety of
our lives are to be lived for him — we are to live holy lives —
loving the Lord our God with all of heart, soul, and might — and
loving our neighbors as we love ourselves. But instead, we allow the
cares of this world to weigh us down and cause our hearts to grow
cold to the ways of the Lord.
We give into competing with our
neighbors about who has the fanciest car — we compete with our
co-workers for raises and promotions, not caring if we leave them in
the carnage of our own self-absorption. We let someone driving too
slow or too fast allow us to lose our focus on loving our neighbors.
We allow gossip and back-biting to steer our angry and vengeful
thoughts towards family and friends. We settle into lifestyles that
promote bad health — justifying all of that by saying that we will
live differently starting January 1st. We settle into the
warm and inviting hell — where
we could make ourselves the center of the universe — and constantly
turn in upon ourselves and gaze at our own insignificance. We comb
the aisles of clothing and toys — hoping against hope that
something will bring us happiness. We worship
the gods of commercialism — bowing before their plastic altar —
as we sign our lives away to Visa, Master Card, Discover, and
American Express. We search for the cheapest goods and services —
the whole time riding on the backs of modern day slaves that work in
sweat shops that span our globe — in places like Thailand,
Indonesia, and Mexico — names that are emblazoned on the backs of
plastic angels that announce a phony “Joy to the World!”
And Jesus says to us, in the midst of
our depravity — guard your hearts against the cares of this world —
the cares that take your focus off of the ways of Christ — and
instead flee from the wrath to come.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Advent - Give us Rest!
December - a month that oftentimes causes our blood pressure to go up.
During this Advent we pray that "God will give you rest." We would
like to invite you to come and worship with us and learn more about the
rest that is found in Jesus Christ. We will be focusing on the Gospel
of Luke during this time --- below you will find a schedule of our
services. We have a warm and passionate
atmosphere where God will meet you as you are. Sunday morning worship
is at 9am at Chandler's Wharf in their Atrium (225 S. Water Street - at the corner of Ann Street & Water Street in downtown Wilmington) We have a place for you!
Sunday, November 30th @ 9am: "Oh Great God, Give Us Rest" - Luke 21.25-36
Sunday, December 7th @ 9am: "Have You Seen This Place, It's All a Mess" - Luke 3.1-6
Sunday, December 14th @ 9am: "Take This Song, From a Crooked Heart" - Luke 3.7-18
Sunday, December 21st @ 9am: "Open Up Heaven's Glory Light" - Luke 1.39-55
Wednesday, December 24th @ 9pm (gathering at Hell's Kitchen - 118 Princess Street): Communion & Candlelight Service - Luke 2.1-20
Thursday, December 25th @ 10am (gathering at Azalea Nursing Home - 3800 Independence Blvd.): Visiting & Singing at the Nursing Home
Sunday, November 30th @ 9am: "Oh Great God, Give Us Rest" - Luke 21.25-36
Sunday, December 7th @ 9am: "Have You Seen This Place, It's All a Mess" - Luke 3.1-6
Sunday, December 14th @ 9am: "Take This Song, From a Crooked Heart" - Luke 3.7-18
Sunday, December 21st @ 9am: "Open Up Heaven's Glory Light" - Luke 1.39-55
Wednesday, December 24th @ 9pm (gathering at Hell's Kitchen - 118 Princess Street): Communion & Candlelight Service - Luke 2.1-20
Thursday, December 25th @ 10am (gathering at Azalea Nursing Home - 3800 Independence Blvd.): Visiting & Singing at the Nursing Home
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
"The Barge"
This last Sunday we celebrated our time on "The Barge". It was so cold ------ which I think was a good reminder of why we need to go inside. When you don't have walls up at a church ------ both metaphorically & physically ------- there is some extreme discomfort that comes with that. But, we have also experienced what worship can be like. It can be in open spaces, it can be in the public square, it can be easy & simple, it doesn't have to cost a lot of money, it can be open to people from all walks of life, and it can be a time to live into God's Kingdom in imaginative and creative ways.
As I have reflected back on our time of being on "The Barge" I am overwhelmed with the generosity of Carl Marshburn, who owns the Henrietta III and "The Barge". He has been so kind to us and so generous with his resources. I can't say thank you enough.
Also, I am in awe of the many people that have made The Anchor their home through our time on "The Barge". You all have truly been a blessing to me and words cannot express how grateful I have been to journey with you all through this time. You all are passionate in your love for the Lord and in your love for one another. I have beautiful images in my mind of standing and singing ------- and people are walking along the River Walk getting a glimpse at what "church" can be. I have images of eating donuts and drinking coffee ------ and in that simple moment walls of division come tumbling down through that grace-filled act. I have images of dogs coming to worship -------- and in that simple act God smiles as all creation tells of God's glory. I have images of strangers holding hands and praying ------ I have images of people sharing their experiences with tear-filled eyes ------- I have images of reading scripture -------- I have images of black people & white people & asian people singing with one voice ------- I have images of children running -------- and in that moment, I hear Jesus say: "I make all things new".
Thank you for a great summer of worshiping together with all of you saints of God. I am humbled by the fact that I can call all of you my friends. Let's live lives that are radical ------ and let's do it together. Let's cast aside all the religious baggage, and the dividing walls of hostility. And instead let us live lives for the common good ------- for in that grace-filled act we are proclaiming that Jesus Christ is Lord.
As I have reflected back on our time of being on "The Barge" I am overwhelmed with the generosity of Carl Marshburn, who owns the Henrietta III and "The Barge". He has been so kind to us and so generous with his resources. I can't say thank you enough.
Also, I am in awe of the many people that have made The Anchor their home through our time on "The Barge". You all have truly been a blessing to me and words cannot express how grateful I have been to journey with you all through this time. You all are passionate in your love for the Lord and in your love for one another. I have beautiful images in my mind of standing and singing ------- and people are walking along the River Walk getting a glimpse at what "church" can be. I have images of eating donuts and drinking coffee ------ and in that simple moment walls of division come tumbling down through that grace-filled act. I have images of dogs coming to worship -------- and in that simple act God smiles as all creation tells of God's glory. I have images of strangers holding hands and praying ------ I have images of people sharing their experiences with tear-filled eyes ------- I have images of reading scripture -------- I have images of black people & white people & asian people singing with one voice ------- I have images of children running -------- and in that moment, I hear Jesus say: "I make all things new".
Thank you for a great summer of worshiping together with all of you saints of God. I am humbled by the fact that I can call all of you my friends. Let's live lives that are radical ------ and let's do it together. Let's cast aside all the religious baggage, and the dividing walls of hostility. And instead let us live lives for the common good ------- for in that grace-filled act we are proclaiming that Jesus Christ is Lord.
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